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Kate McKegg

Kate is an experienced evaluator, trainer and facilitator, supporting people who develop evaluation systems and frameworks, undertake policy and programme evaluations, build evaluation capacity, and apply evaluative thinking in complex and innovative settings

Kate is also renowned for her developmental evaluation expertise, working alongside innovators, supporting them to design, test, prototype and bring to scale new ideas and concepts to address complex challenges and issues.

Kate is a founding member of the Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association (ANZEA), serving as a board member from 2006–2010, Convenor from 2008–2010, and again from 2014–2016. During her leadership tenure, she spearheaded and oversaw the development of national competencies and standards for evaluation. She is also a member of the Australian, American and Canadian Evaluation Associations.

Kate is co-editor of New Zealand’s only evaluation text, Evaluating Policy and Practice, a New Zealand Reader (2003). With Michael Quinn Patton and Nan Wehipeihana, Kate co-edited Developmental evaluation exemplars: Principles in practice (2015).

She is a recipient of the Australasian Evaluation Society's 2013 Best Evaluation Policy and Systems Award along with Nan Wehipeihana, Kataraina Pipi and Veronica Thompson, for the He Oranga Poutama developmental evaluation. She is also a recipient of the prestigious 2019 American Evaluation Outstanding Evaluation Award, along with Judy Oakden, Debbie Goodwin and Jackie Henry, for the developmental evaluation of the Waikato Regional Council's Collaborative Stakeholder Group process.

Examples of Kate’s work and writing: