Collectively we offer an extensive range of evaluation and research services
The Kinnect Group is drawn to working at the cutting edge of evaluation practice and theory. It is a space of complexity, innovation and ambiguity.
We are drawn to challenging work that requires us to think hard, partner, collaborate and innovate. We use our collective expertise to help our clients improve people’s lives.
We offer a range of services including:
- Strategic advice
- Policy and programme design, analysis and review
- Formative evaluation, developmental evaluation, adaptive evaluation, impact measurement and economic evaluation
- Value for money
- Kaupapa Māori and indigenous methodologies
- Use of complexity and systems thinking approaches
- Organisation capacity development
- Evaluation capacity building
- Logic models, theory of change and outcome frameworks
- Training and facilitation, mentoring and peer review
- Survey development, analysis and reporting.
We focus on evaluation
"The speed at which you grasped the key issues and your focussed approach has all been appreciated."
- Client feedback in letter to lead evaluator